This is what happens when your seed falls along the path

1 min read

*In the parable of Mathew 13, some seeds fell on the path.

Seeds could represent your effort to making a better living, investment, harvest, reward for your efforts at work, in life, in relationship or any effort to make progress in life.

*Many of us has not been given an opportunity to use our gifts.

*Some of us have found ourselves in the wrong environment needed for our God’s given target to grow.

*It is important to know that two things happened to the seeds along the path.

*The seeds along the path were trampled upon by men and whatever passes the road.

*The birds fed on them.

These two experiences could manifest in our lives in form of unending humiliation at work, efforts not been recognized or rewarded in your daily endeavors, not been able to exercise your gift or when your efforts are maximally flawed/rejected, unfair dismissal at opportunities that could change the status of your family.

These experiences could also manifest when you are due for promotion and a lower rank officer/staff is unfairly promoted in place of you. These are not pleasant experiences for anyone who has ever gone through it before.

The GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob who created the Heavens and the Earth is about to change your story today. He is ready to put a smile on your face. He is ready to give you victory over your situation so that His Name can be glorified on Earth and in the Heavens above. The world shall see the light of GOD through the wonders He shall perform in your life.


*When your seed is trampled upon by men, there is no chance for continuous growth.

*There is humiliation, unjust and hate towards everything you do.

*You might lose your confidence and hate might build up in your heart.

*You are unhappy every morning you set out for the day.

*Your loved ones will be affected directly or indirectly because you are not happy.

When the birds of the air feed on the seed

*There is constant oppression anytime you have a chance to grow.

*The opportunities you deserved might be snatched away from you.

*Your business ideas or any ideas that can change the status of your family. The ideas that can give your family a generational wealth might be lost in the air.

Pray with me

*If only someone (a divine helper) picks up the seed from the pathway and puts it where it has a chance to grow; the seed would have done better and yield good fruits.

Oh LORD, in the Name of Jesus, touch the heart of my divine helper and let him/her speedily come to my aid. Instruct my divine helper to state what you want in Jesus Name I pray. Amen.

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Good morning.


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