Easy Rice Flour Bread – Gluten Free

You will love the simplicity and ease of this Gluten-Free Rice Flour Bread recipe, and you will want to make it again and again.

Satisfy Cravings With This Gluten-Free Rice Flour Bread

There’s nothing better than pulling fresh bread out of the oven. If you’re sensitive to gluten, finding recipes can be tricky. Look no further with this gluten-free rice flour bread recipe.

It has a dense yet soft texture, an excellent flavor, and a nice crisp crust. However, just like any all-natural gluten-free bread recipes, you may find it not as airy as most regular yeast bread made with white flour.

Our New Found Love

This rice bread is our newfound love. It took me many attempts to get here, but it’s all worth it because it has become our family staple.

Whether you have gluten sensitivity or want to avoid wheat in your diet, this gluten-free rice flour bread recipe will soon be your to-go!

This recipe is wheat-free, xanthan gum-free, and free from other allergens that are usually added to gluten-free bread. It is made with simple ingredients like white rice flour and apple cider vinegar; one may be surprised to find out this bread delivers the same cozy satisfaction as any other.

Make sure to keep reading below for the recipe and much-needed details.

A slice of bitten  rice bread

The Deal on Rice Flour

On your hunt for gluten-free recipes, you’ve seen several rice flour recipes. It’s great for baking and can give a delightful crunch to many crackers and dumplings. If you’re having trouble finding it, check out local Asian markets or natural food stores, and you can also get it here on amazon.

Keep in mind rice flour doesn’t absorb liquids as wheat flour does, so be sure to give your dough time to rest and hydrate before baking.

Ingredients for making Rice Flour Bread

  • Rice flour is the main ingredient
  • Glutenous rice flour for an extra chewiness
  • salt controls yeast growth and encourages browning.
  • Yeast and Baking soda are the leaving agents used in this recipe. Please use both for best results.
  • Coconut oil or melted butter adds rich flavor and makes the bread tender.
  • Apple cider vinegar will help to activate the leavening, so please don’t skip it!
  • Honey for sweetness and more moisture
  • Egg white helps to strengthen the bread
  • Water

How to make Bread with Rice flour

The recipe is a simple one:

  • Just add all the ingredients to the bowl of the stand mixer and mix till fluffy about 5 minutes.

However, you need to start with a cup of water instead of the whole 1-1/2 cup. This is because the batter can easily go from the right consistency to being too runny and the final bread may end up collapsing and sinking in the middle.

A slice of buttered rice bread on a plate

Using Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar works with baking powder to help fluff up the bread a bit. It’s also a bit sweeter compared to other kinds of vinegar. Don’t worry about tasting any of the vinegar. It will not show in the final result.

How Do I Make My Own Rice Flour?

You break out your coffee grinder to finely grind rice grains if you don’t have rice flour. Only grind about 2 or 3 tablespoons at a time.

Run the flour through your grinder a second time if it doesn’t turn out to be as fine as you’d prefer.

How Long Does It Take?

Block out about 2 hours to make this masterpiece. You can’t rush perfection so take your time.

What Do I Serve It With?

Bread, gluten-free or not, can be used in so many fun ways.

If you want something savory:

  1. Try fig jam and goat cheese.
  2. Create an excellent breakfast with avocado and a fried egg.
  3. Satisfy your sweet tooth with peanut butter and bananas.

You can also serve it alongside an entree, such as these baked chicken drumsticks.

Enjoy it fresh out of the oven or save some to snack on for a couple of days. Either way, each bite will be heaven. You’ll want to hide from others if you want to savor every crumb.


  1. You can find Rice flour at any Asian market and here on amazon.
  2. The rice bread needs a lot of steam to create a good crust so be sure to put a pan of water in the oven while baking.
  3. Use a hand mixer if you don’t have a stand mixer but don’t skip the mixing process because it helps to incorporate a lot of air into the mixture and will help yield a better bread texture.
  4. Since the batter is soft, be sure to cover it with another pan to give room for expansion. You can also cover with a large bowl but be sure the bowl is not touching the surface of the batter otherwise it will deflate.

Are you following my gluten free recipes? Here are some of our favorites:

Freshly baked and sliced Rice flour bread
  • 3 cups rice flour
  • 1/2 cup rice flour
  • tsp salt
  • tsp baking soda
  • 2 tsp yeast
  • 4 tsp coconut oil or butter
  • 3 egg white
  • 4 tbsp honey
  • 1 to 1½ cup water
  • 1 tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar
  • Combine all the ingredients and 1 cup of in the bowl of a stand mixer and mix on medium speed for 5 minutes. Add the remaining half cup of water a little at a time until the consistency reaches that of a freshly whipped ice cream. ( You may not end up using all the water).
  • Pour the batter in a parchment lined pan and cover with another pan (to give room for expansion) and proof in a warm oven
  • Preheat the oven to 375F. Put some water in an oven-safe pan and place it in the oven.
  • Place the bread in the oven and leave to bake and bake for 40 to 45 minutes. If the bread is browning too fast, cover it with a foil paper to avoid further brown and continue to bake till it’s done.
  • Leave to cool completely before slicing through. Enjoy!
  1. You can find Rice flour at any Asian market and here on amazon.
  2. The rice bread needs a lot of steam to create a good crust so be sure to put a pan of water in the oven while baking.
  3. Use a hand mixer if you don’t have a stand mixer but don’t skip the mixing process because it helps to incorporate a lot of air into the mixture and will help yield a better bread texture.
  4. Since the batter is soft, be sure to cover it with another pan to give room for expansion. You can also cover with a large bowl but be sure the bowl is not touching the surface of the batter otherwise it will deflate.

Calories: 2571kcal | Carbohydrates: 529g | Protein: 53g | Fat: 26g | Saturated Fat: 16g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 2g | Monounsaturated Fat: 4g | Sodium: 5313mg | Potassium: 857mg | Fiber: 20g | Sugar: 70g | Vitamin C: 1mg | Calcium: 88mg | Iron: 3mg

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For more delicious recipes, check out the rest of the site. There’s even a section for African recipes to try. Contact me with any questions.