Connecticut confirms first Omicron case, linked back to NYC convention

The first case of the COVID-19 Omicron variant has been confirmed in Connecticut — and it’s linked back to Manhattan, the Constitution State’s governor announced on Saturday.

A fully vaccinated man in his 60s from Hartford County developed “mild symptoms” on Nov. 27 after coming in contact with a family member who had been to New York City to attend the Anime NYC 2021 Convention at the Javits Center between Nov. 17 and Nov. 22, Gov. Ned Lamont said in a statement.

That family member, who was also vaccinated, had mild symptoms on Nov. 21, and received a positive result from a home COVID test on Nov. 23, the statement said. The person’s symptoms have since subsided and additional family members are being tested, according to the statement.

“As I’ve been saying for the last several days, given the speed that this new variant has been spreading around the world and its positive identification in several states, we presumed it was already in our state and the information we received from the lab today confirms that fact,” Lamont said.

The family member who attended the Anime NYC 2021 Convention, who was also vaccinated, had mild symptoms on Nov. 21, and received a positive result from a home COVID test on Nov. 23.AP / Yuki Iwamura

Connecticut Public Health Commissioner Dr. Manisha Juthani said that the strain of the virus was isolated, sequenced and confirmed as the Omicron variant within just one day. She urged those who are not vaccinated to do so to best protect themselves against the new variant.

“Given the number of states that have identified Omicron to date, it was only a matter of time before we identified it here in Connecticut as well,” she said in a statement.

“Although Omicron appears to be more infectious than the Delta variant, both affected individuals have had mild symptoms to date. It is reassuring as their immunity seems to be helping them fight off this infection.” […]


An education agenda for Eric Adams: How the next mayor can better serve New York City’s kids and families

At our schools, we’ve seen the power of a dual-leadership model, where our principal focuses all day long on supporting teachers so that they can become better, while our director of operations blocks and tackles to ensure students, staff and families have what they need to be successful — supplies, technology, information, etc. — within a safe, supportive, building environment. […]


Man Jumps From Taxiing 737 In Phoenix – AVweb

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A 30-year-old man whose mother says thought “somebody was after him” jumped out of the back door of a Southwest 737 while it was taxiing at Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport on Saturday. The flight had just arrived from Colorado Springs and was headed to the gate when the man, identified by his family as Daniel Ramirez, took the leap. His family told ABC 15 in the accompanying video that Ramirez was returning to Phoenix after moving briefly to Colorado and was having a mental health crisis for most of the day. He’s now being held by police on felony trespassing charges. “I don’t want him portrayed as some kind of crazy person,” his mother told the TV station.

After Ramirez jumped from the plane, he got up from the ramp and walked to a nearby fire station where he locked himself in a dormitory room. “After a few minutes, firefighters were able to get the adult male to unlock the door where he was then evaluated, treated and transported to a local hospital for a lower extremity injury,” Fire Captain Todd Keller told CNN.

“Initial reports indicate that while the flight was taxing to the gate, a customer onboard exited the aircraft via a rear galley door,” Southwest Airlines spokesperson Dan Landson told the network. “The flight’s captain stopped the aircraft and notified air traffic control (ATC).” Authorities met the plane and checked the outside and it continued to the gate. […]


Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse Part One Trailer Revealed

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse’s sequel is called Across the Spider-Verse, and the first trailer for “Part One” has arrived. The movie comes to theaters in October 2022.Miles Morales (Shameik Moore) returns in the sequel alongside Gwen Stacy (Hailee Steinfeld) and a “new team of Spider-People.” They will fight again a “villain more powerful than anything they have ever encountered.” Oscar Isaac is coming back to play Spider-Man 2099.Across the Spider-Verse is directed by Joaquim Dos Santos, Kemp Powers, and Justin K. Thompson. The story was written by Phil Lord, Christopher Miller, and David Callaham.2018’s Into the Spider-Verse won Best Animated Film at the Oscars and made $375 million worldwide at the box office.Fans don’t have to wait until 2022 for a new Spider-Man film, however, as Tom Holland returns in this month’s Spider-Man: No Way Home. After that, a new trilogy of Spider-Man films may be coming. […]


Osaka coronavirus deaths top Tokyo’s as Japan logs 6,607 new cases

Japan reported 6,607 new coronavirus infection cases Thursday, marking a daily count above 6,000 for the first time in four days.
The number of severely ill COVID-19 patients rose by 20 from the previous day to a record 920, according to the health ministry.

Miyagi and Chiba prefectures reported 87 and 488 new infection cases, both record highs. The number of new cases stood at 985 in Kanagawa Prefecture, its second-highest daily count, and 341 in Fukuoka Prefecture, its first figure above 300 in five days.
Osaka Prefecture saw 592 cases. The number of deaths linked to the virus grew by 11 to 714 in Osaka, exceeding Tokyo’s 707. The nationwide death toll increased by 66.
The 11 prefectures under the government-declared state of emergency reported 5,266 cases, representing about 80% of the nationwide total.
Tokyo reported 1,502 new cases Thursday, with the number of seriously ill patients remaining at a high level, straining the capital’s medical system.
The number of severe cases came to 135, down six from the previous day, while cases among people age 65 or older, who are likely to develop more serious symptoms, stood at 202.
Thursday’s figures came after 3,849 tests were conducted on Monday, a low test number due to Coming of Age Day. The latest tally brought the cumulative total in the capital to 80,068.
During a coronavirus meeting held at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government the same day, members of an expert panel said the recent rise in cases in which infection routes cannot be traced is indicating an “explosive expansion” of infections.
New cases are found each day at an unprecedented speed, the panel warned, urging the metropolitan government to take effective measures immediately.
“It is most important to reduce the number of new cases and seriously ill patients in order to avoid the collapse” of the medical system, they said.
The nationwide cumulative total of confirmed cases topped 300,000 on Wednesday, the day the country expanded a state of emergency originally declared for the Tokyo metropolitan area last week to several more prefectures.
According to a Kyodo News tally, the nationwide cumulative total surpassed 100,000 on Oct. 29 and reached 200,000 nearly two months later on Dec. 21. It only took about three weeks for the cumulative total to hit the 300,000 mark.
In addition to Tokyo, which confirmed a record 2,447 new infections on Jan. 7, other prefectures that have huge urban populations, including Osaka and Aichi, have similarly been struggling amid a sudden rise in numbers since the start of the year.
Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga on Wednesday declared seven additional prefectures to be under a state of emergency.
Coronavirus deaths across the country surpassed 4,000 as of Jan. 9, with as many as 70 deaths seen per day recently. Those suffering from serious symptoms hit a record 900, up 19 from the previous day.
The surge has been increasing the strain on the country’s medical system, with some hospitals already being forced to turn patients away.

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「お腹が大きくなってきていたし、キックの量も増えたので、胎内のスペースが足りているか見たかったんです。もちろんこの子の顔も見たかったですし」とチェルシーさん。 […]



色味の主張が絶妙でオシャレ…。通常のサラサクリップは鮮やかさが強みでもあるんですが、彩度を抑えた深い色味もすごく綺麗です…!便利さ ★★★★☆デザイン ★★★★★コスパ ★★★★☆ […]



今回の会見では、緊急事態宣言の効果について「自粛疲れと慣れ」に関する質問もあがった。これについて菅首相は「春と夏に続き3回目の感染拡大であって、たしかに国民の皆さんには慣れや疲れがあるというふうに思っています」としながら、「なんとしても減少方向に持っていかなければならない」と「4つの対策」への協力を呼びかけた。一方、会見に同席した政府の分科会の尾身茂会長は菅首相にコメントを求められ、こう述べた。「国民の自粛疲れということで、去年くらいからなかなか協力が得られなかったのはいくつか理由があると思います。ひとつはウイルスの特徴として、無症状や軽症の人が多いということが昨年4月に比べて分かったということ」「それから、長い間自粛して、いわば辟易感があった。また、緊急事態宣言が出されたことで今はなくなりましたが、一時は国と自治体の一体感がなかったということがあると思います」そのうえで尾身会長は「国民の行動変容という意味ではいろいろなことが大事ですが、もっともやるべきことは、昼夜を問わず外出をなるべく控えることだと思います」と、菅首相に増して言葉に力を込めた。また、「時短はこれまでの経験で、一定程度効果があることがわかっています。しかし、緊急事態宣言を出すような今の状況においては、それだけでは感染を下火にすることはできない」とも指摘。4つのポイントに加え、より強い時短や休業要請も選択肢であるという見解を示した。そもそも、今回の緊急事態宣言に向けてつくられた政府の基本的対処方針では人々の移動について、「不要不急の外出・移動の自粛」「特に午後8時以降の外出自粛」と記されていた。しかし、菅首相は1月7日の会見で後者の「午後8時以降の外出自粛」のみを強調していた。今回の会見では、改めて「日中の外出自粛」についても強く呼びかけられたことになる。そのほか菅首相は、外国人の全面的な入国制限のほか、医療体制の確保・支援、都道府県との連携強化や、2月末までにワクチン接種の開始することなどについても改めて訴えた。 […]