Jesus In Me Week 2 — Loving the Person of the Holy Spirit – FaithGateway

Though you have not seen Him, you love Him. — 1 Peter 1:8

[Jesus said] It would be better to have Jesus physically absent in order to have the Holy Spirit invisibly present. ~ Anne

Welcome to week two of the Jesus In Me Online Bible Study.

What has your experience with the Holy Spirit been? I grew up in a non-denominational church that was very open to the Holy Spirit and I’m so grateful that I was modeled having an active and growing relationship with Him from a young age.

Still, He was a mystery to me. I think the closest I felt to God the Holy Spirit was in worshipping in song. Maybe that was true for you. That’s probably why I pursued singing. I led worship in my home church with a wonderful team of spirit-filled believers for a couple of decades and it was life-changing to minister that way.

The Holy Spirit is a living, invisible Person. ~ Anne

Jesus showed us what God the Father is like. In the same way, He showed us what God the Holy Spirit is like.

All this coming and going… Now you see Me, now you don’t. I think what He was doing was teaching His disciples about the Holy Spirit. Whether they could see Jesus or not, He was invisible present with them 24/7 in the Person of the Holy Spirit. ~ Anne

The Holy Spirit is our Helper, Comforter, Counselor, Strengthener, and Standby. He intercedes for us. He helps us in everything we do if we lean on Him. He gives us the power to do what we cannot do in our own power. He gives us wisdom we can’t possibly have in our little brains. He is our closest, dearest Friend.

I want to love Him more. Don’t you?

This week in your study:

  1. Study first! Grab your Bible and enjoy your personal study this week on pages 11-26.
  2. Then, watch the video for session two of the Jesus In Me on our study home page and take notes in your study guide on pages 27-29 and stick around to go through the questions afterward!
  3. Join the conversations about this week’s teaching and get to know our community in our private Facebook group.

Scriptures this Week

John 14:2-3
John 14:5
John 15:5
John 15:18
John 16: 5-8
John 16:12-16
Numbers 6:24-26
2 Corinthians 1:4
John 14:16

Prayer for the Week

Holy Spirit, we love You and we want to love You even more every day! Help us to trust You and lean into Your presence. Help us to hear Your voice. Teach us to wait on You. Teach us to hear Your sweet voice, Your gentle whisper. We want to talk and talk in our prayers, but remind us to wait and listen. We need You, Lord. We need Your guidance and Your wisdom. We need Your comfort and Your friendship. We love You!