9 Fun Beauty Activities To Do While You’re Stuck Inside

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Whether it’s winter or lockdown, we’re all spending more time inside at the moment. We know binge-watching Netflix is always satisfying, but research shows that actually doing some kind of activity is much better for helping you to relax, rest, and unwind than simply watching TV. And, because we know going hiking or hanging with your friends might not be possible RN, what better than to try one of these fun at-home beauty activities.

1. Master the Art of Gua Sha

Gua Sha is a type of facial technique that involves moving a blunt, smooth instrument (a Gua Sha) along specific energy lines to remove toxins from your lymphatic system. The benefits of doing this daily – or even just regularly – are pretty insane! When done consistently, Gua sha can help to improve the appearance of fine lines, rosacea, acne, acne scars, pigmentation, dark circles, and facial puffiness. By running the tool across the face with specific movements, it helps to retrain the muscles of the face, relaxing them, strengthening, lifting and toning.

How to Gua Sha: The technique is not at all difficult, you just need to know the angles and movements. Check out our guide to doing Gua Sha with facialist expert Danna Omari.

2. Have a Pampering Bath

bath tips

Is there anything more relaxing than soaking in a tub filled with bubbles or bath salts for hours? We think not! If you love baths, maybe this is something you do often, but if you don’t, then take the time out to set yourself up with the ultimate indulgent bath. It’s a great way to switch off and really feel disconnected. Whether you want to read a book, watch a little Netflix or just be with your own thoughts, make it an occasion (and put your phone on silent!).

How to set up the ultimate bath experience: Light a candle, incense or bring a diffuser into your bathroom. Next, add either bubbles, bath salts or bath oils to pamper your skin – we love to add coconut oil to our bath for its skin-softening properties while bath salts are amazing for relaxing muscles. Then out on some chill music to help you unwind.

Finally, take some snacks: You can go healthy with some strawberries or fruit or indulge with some dark chocolate or candy – it’s your bath, so do what makes you happy. Don’t forget to take a chilled glass of water with you to stay hydrated. Then pop on a face mask, lie back and relax! If you want to make your bath extra productive, finish with a body scrub to soften your skin.

Check out more bath tips here.

3. Do a DIY Face Mask

You know we love a good DIY! A DIY face mask is cheap, easy, and honestly, often gives the same results as some expensive formulas. The key is to use nourishing, non-harsh ingredients that are effective. Before you start your DIY face mask, ensure your skin is completely clean, so either cleanse or double cleanse if you’ve been wearing makeup and/or sunscreen.

How to: Try our fave DIY papaya and honey face mask that gives seriously glowy results or check out more easy DIYs and DIY face masks here.

4. Clear Out Your Stash

Okay, this might only be considered fun by those who strongly relate to Monica’s love of tidying, but either way, we promise you, going through and editing your beauty stash is a seriously satisfying task. Chances are that over the years you got excited about a new beauty product, bought it, and gave up on your others, resulting in a collection of half-used products clogging up your bathroom shelves and cabinets.

How to: Take every beauty product you own and gather it in one place. Go through each one and check if it’s expired or has been open for longer than the product advises. Getting rid of expired beauty products is hard, but necessary – if you really can’t bear to get rid of an old face moisturizer but you don’t want to put it on your face – consider using it on your décolleté or as hand cream. For anything leftover that you don’t use every day or every week, ask yourself: “Do I like using this?” If the answer is no, then don’t force it, it could be something one of your friends would appreciate. Once you’ve gone through everything (don’t forget to recycle containers where you can), organize it in a way where you’re using older products first and not hiding things away where you’ll potentially forget about them again!

For more inspo, we strongly recommend checking out The Home Edit on Netflix for more epic organizing tips and satisfying techniques for staying organized!

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5. Give Yourself a Haircial

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We often give a lot of love to our face with a 10-step skincare routine or bi-weekly facials, but how often do you give your hair the same love? And we’re not just talking about your wash day or leaving in a deep conditioner for 5 minutes! We’re talking masking, detox shampoos, deep conditioner, and a post-wash routine to make your hair softer, smoother, and shinier than ever before.

How to: Check out our guide to giving yourself the ultimate HAIRcial for your hair type here or try this amazing rice water DIY, which is amazing for strengthening, detangling and nourishing all hair types.

6. Experiment With Your Brows

With more time at home, you’ve got plenty of time to spend a little extra on those beauty tricks you’ve been meaning to. Finding the correct brow shape can be so transformative but it’s possibly one of the hardest aspects of brow grooming as it’s about achieving the perfect harmony between your natural brow shape and your face shape. When it comes to the most flattering shape, you can use your brows to enhance your face shape. For example, if you have a round face, high angled brows can help create the illusion of a longer, slimmer face.

How to: For a breakdown of what brow shape will best suit you, take a quick look at this post. Finally, remember this brow mantra: your brows should be sisters, not twins. Unlike a lot of beauty rules, this one is not a myth! Often when you try and make sure they’re a perfect match you can over tweeze them, and they’ll end up looking too thin. So, try not to stress about making them identical, and remember it’s only you that spends all day staring at them.

7. Give Yourself a Manicure or Pedicure

Doing a mani/pedi always feels so self-indulgent – in the best way possible!  Even if no one will see your nails, it’s still uplifting and the perfect self-care practice to keep you calm, busy and feeling gorgeous!

How to: Check out J. Lo’s go-to nail artist’s tips and tricks for looking after your nails and doing the ultimate DIY Manicure. If you’re doing a pedicure, follow the same steps, but don’t forget to first soften your feet in a warm bath for 10 mins and give them a good scrub before you get started on your nails.

8. Learn How to Perfect the Smokey Eye

The smokey eye is an iconic makeup look but harder to master if you’re not a complete makeup junkie! The dark shadow and sultry liner are undeniably sexy and we’re loving the more modern take on the smokey eye which feels a lot more wearable and a lot less ‘full glam’ than its predecessor. This is especially ideal when your most exciting outings include the grocery store or a walk in the park!

How to: For all the inspo and all our tips for creating a sexy, modern smokey eye, check out this post.

9. Give Your Body a Spa Experience

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This one works as a great addition to your pampering bath but it’s also totally shower-friendly too. We often neglect our bodies, especially in winter when we’re pretty much covered up and the idea of being bare for more than a minute after a shower gives you the shivers! But honestly, giving yourself a full-body glow-up is invigorating and so satisfying!

How to: Start with a hot shower or bath (let the bathroom steam up so it’s toastier after) and then get in and begin. (You also have the option to start with a little dry brushing beforehand.) Once in, get comfy and then do a full body scrub from head to toe (check out our fave DIYs here). Next up, if you’ve decided not to go au naturel, now is the time to shave any areas of your body that you like to. Once you’re done, lightly pat your body dry to get most of the water off, then immediately follow with a body oil to soften your skin and lock all that moisture in. Post body spa experience you’ll be feeling soft and fresh!

Which of these beauty activities are you going to give a go first? Let us know in the comments below.